Monday, October 1, 2012

[Recruitment-Online] File - Rules


Rules for Recruitment Online

1. Advertizing only permit for Job Vacancy.
2. SPAM, Business Information, Bulls, Chit-Chat, Multi Level Marketing etc are not allowed.
3. Question for Email Vacancy must be addressed to the sender or email which have been determined in vacancy info.
4. Sending CV to the groups or promoting himself are not allowed.
5. If you are interested in the advertisement, please send your CV to the Company whom send the announcement.
6. Please Paying Attention to the Subject before sending email
7. Make sure when write down the Subject are correct to the Position which are offered.
8. Email without subject will be DELETE directly.
9. Posting from free email without any clear identity of the company, address & phone number will be DELETE AUTOMATICALLY.
10. Subject which are not according to the position that offered will be DELETE AUTOMATICALLY.
11. If you are posting from other groups (CROSS POSTING), please erase other groups address.
12. Please invite all your partner to join in Recruitment Online with sending blank email to the :

Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (9)
Recent Activity:
Membutuhkan bantuan Jasa Recruitment & Headhunter Service ?
Bantuan Training, Konsultasi, Project Perusahaan atau anda sendiri ?
Segera hubungi Konsultan Indonesia untuk kebutuhan anda.
Email :
        Mastering Your Resources

Posting CV jangan ke milis. Kirimkan ke alamat email yang dituju.


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